Capillary electrophoresis, or CE, describes a family of techniques used to separate a variety of compounds. These analyses, all driven by an electric field , are performed in narrow tubes and can result in the rapid separation of many hundreds of different compounds. The versatility and number of ways that CE can be used means that almost all molecules, and even whole organisms can be separated using the powerful methods.
There are a number of different ways of performing CE separations. This makes the technique especially useful as it optimised for the separation you are interested in whether this be ensuring purity during manufacture, or diagnosing illness in a hospital. Separations driven by electrophoresis also have a novel separating mechanism. This makes them useful in situations where other liquid phase separation techniques are limited or impractical.
The components of a CE instrument (image courtesy of Agilent Technologies)
The advantages of capillary electrophoresis are it:
· has very high efficiencies, meaning hundreds of components can be separated at the same time
· requires minute amounts of sample
· is easily automated
· can be used quantitatively
· consumes limited amounts of reagents
This site contains information on capillary electrophoresis and how it works. It also contains information about the most common ways in which it is used, and practical examples of separations performed with it. There's information about the instrumentation and some tools to help make performing experiments easier.
- Mar 13 Thu 2008 16:20
Capillary electrophoresis data-mining